Community Voices

We can only solve a problem by hearing those affected by it first. #OaklandUndivided would not exist if it wasn’t for a group of students and parents advocating for their connectivity needs at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. As our work has expanded to address the structural barriers to achieve community-wide connectivity for all Oaklanders, so have our efforts to actively engage with and bring the community’s voice to the forefront. Here’s how we’ve done it!


Partner with community based organizations  

Listen actively and respectfully

Center and empower community in our work

Meet community where they are

To hear from our most disconnected community, we have to meet them where they are. We interviewed community members throughout Oakland to learn about the barriers that keep them disconnected  and worked with our partners at Common Sense Media to capture their voices.

See what Oaklanders had to share…


California conducted a Statewide Digital Equity Survey to better understand why certain “covered populations” are more likely to lack access to home internet. The draft report identified “individuals with a language barrier” (see page 15) as the least connected amongst all Californians and then concluded that the main barrier preventing access was “Mistrust of government and corporations.”

#OaklandUndivided knows there is more to the story, so we partnered with El Tímpano to survey Oakland residents in English learner households about their internet access.

In the more than 70 insightful responses we received, not a single person named mistrust of government and corporations as a barrier. Below is what they told us…


Hola, soy Vanessa de El Tímpano con un mensaje de Oakland Divided, una organización cívica y social que trabaja para que los estudiantes de las escuelas públicas de Oakland tengan acceso a computadoras, Internet y soporte técnico. El gobierno está tratando de entender por qué muchos hablantes no nativos de inglés, que están aprendiendo el idioma, no tienen acceso a Internet en casa. Nos gustaría conocer su opinión sobre este tema para compartirla con los Legisladores.

Cuéntenos, ¿para usted es difícil conectarse a Internet? ¿Por qué? Si responde antes del 23 de enero, participará en una rifa para ganar una de 10 tarjetas de regalo de Target de $25.


Hello, I'm Vanessa from El Tímpano with a message from Oakland Divided, a civic organization and social organization that works to ensure that Oakland public school students have access to computers, Internet and technical support. The government is trying to understand why many non-native English speakers (English Learners) do not have access to the Internet at home. We would like to know your opinion on this topic to share it with Legislators.

Tell us, is it difficult for you to connect to the Internet? If so, why? If you respond before January 23rd, you will be entered into a drawing to win one of 10 $25 Target gift cards.


  • “El Internet es muy caro para pagar.”

    “Internet is very expensive to pay for.”

  • “Aveces los niños no tienen computadoras en casa y aveces les cuesta mucho leer libros pero d leer día a día ya sea en computadora o en libros ayudará.”

    “Sometimes children don't have computers at home and sometimes it is very difficult for them to read books, but reading every day, whether on the computer or in books, will help.”

  • “Hola es difícil cuando nosotros cómo padres no tenemos conocimiento del idioma y de cosas de computadora. Nuestros hijos si son grandes tal ves nos ayuden pero qué pasa cuando nuestros hijos son pequeños? No es fácil tener la información en nuestro idioma.”

    Hello, it can be challenging as a parent when we lack knowledge of a language or computer skills. Although older children may be able to assist us, it can be difficult when our children are still young. It's not always easy to find information in our native language.

  • “No me llevo bien con la tecnología.”

    “I don’t get along with technology.”

  • “…Respecto al internet tengo en mi teléfono pero es demasiado lento y donde vivo es abajo de unos departamentos. Ahí la señal es imposible que entre…”

    “In regards to internet, I have it on my phone but it’s extremely slow and I live underneath some apartments. It’s impossible for signal to enter.”

  • “Hola si yo pago por el internet la verdad pienso que muchas personas no preguntamos ni nos informamos acerca de eso por que nos da pena preguntar y se los hace más fácil no tener o pagar.”

    “Hi, yes, I pay for internet. I honestly think that many people don’t ask or get informed about it because it makes us embarrased to ask and it’s just easier not to have it or pay for it.”

  • “Si es dificil.”

    “Yes, it’s difficult.”

  • “Pues aveces no tienen acceso al Internet porque esta caro para poder obtenerlo en casa y solo lo tienen cuando buscan en una librería.”

    “Well, sometimes they don't have access to the Internet because it is expensive to get it at home and they only have it when they search in a library.”

  • “Yo no tengo acceso a internet y fuera bueno.”

    I don’t have access to internet and it would be good to have it.

  • “Si por que es muy difícil pagar los servicios de internet.”

    “Yes, because it is very difficult to pay for internet services.”

  • “Si Es dificil No tengo internet solo agarro internet xq aveces me comparten.”

    “Yes, it’s difficult. I don’t have internet. I am only able to access the internet when someone shares it with me.”

  • “Es un poco difícil acceder al internet por los altos costos.”

    “It is a bit difficult to access the internet due to the high costs.”

  • “Si es difícil. Cuando el internet es muy bajo. Los niños a veces les cuesta conectarse. Es muy despacio.”

    “Yes, it's hard when the internet connection is poor. The kids have a hard time connecting. It's very slow.”

  • “Hola ! Yo tengo internet por parte del programa de las escuelas es económico pero muchas veces es un poco lento para que mis hijos agan su tarea en la computadora, pero pues el sueldo no alcanza para más.”

    “Hello! I have internet through the school program. It’s cheap, but sometimes too slow for my children to do their homework on the computer. With our salary, we can’t afford to get faster Internet.”

  • “Hola pues deberían de poner free internet x casa ciudad x q es bastante caro. Tenerlo en velocidad alta y solo así se puede conectar uno con papeleos tareas y otras cosas eso es lo q deberían hacer los legisladores tener internet free en cada ciudad I condado x q los legisladores gastan en otras cosas más q ni son productivas y asqueado en este caso todos los es planted se beneficiarían eso es mi opinión.”

    “Hello, I think that the Internet should be provided in every household in the city because it is expensive. This way people can connect with work, complete tasks, and do other things online. I believe that legislators should prioritize providing free internet to the citizens instead of spending money on unproductive things. This would benefit everyone and that is my opinion.”

  • “Para mi es difícil conseguir internet o una computadora por que es muy caro.”

    “It is difficult for me to get internet or a computer because it is very expensive.”

  • “Hola buenas tardes , si sería muy vien para todos si para muchos Qe no tenemos internet y no podemos pagarlo nos ayudaría mucho gracias.”

    “Hello, good afternoon, it would be really helpful to obtain help paying for internet because many of us cannot afford it.”

  • “Cuesta mucho tener internet que sirve y es barato. El internet más barato no sirve bien.”

    “It’s hard to find internet that is cheap and performs well. The cheapest internet does not work well.”

  • “Estoy de acuerdo con esa herramienta muy fundamental , soy Latina habla española y ayudaría mucho a como padre de familia poder desarrollar y desenvolverse a los niños en la lengua inglesa y en las escuelas hay muchas reuniones virtuales en las cuales muchas veces nos desentendemos por falta de internet y herramientas.”

    “I agree with this very fundamental tool, I am a Latina who speaks Spanish and it would help a lot as a parent to be able to develop and function with children in the English language and in schools there are many virtual meetings in which we often disengage due to lack of internet and tools.”

  • “Yo no tengo internet en mi casa”

    “I don’t have internet at home.”

  • “Si me gustaría el enternet yo tengo un hijo de 14 y el ocupa el internet.”

    “Yes, I would like internet. I have a 14 year old son and he needs the internet.”

  • “Si m gustaría aplicar para internet.”

    “Yes, I would like to apply for internet.”

  • “Porque no tenemos el dinero para costar el Internet. * Y Si hay Internet gratis No lo sabemos o no sabemos a quien preguntar para aplicar a ello.”

    “Because we don't have the money to pay for the Internet. And if there is free Internet, we don't know or we don't know who to ask to apply for it.”

  • “Por qué no tengo el dinero para pagar un internet y el básico q dan en escuelas es de baja calidad.”

    “Because I don't have the money to pay for internet, and the one they give in schools is of low quality.”

  • “Hola buenas tardes si es un poco complicado porque subió mucho la mensualidad. Pagaba $39.00 y ahora son $60.00 y genera una desestabilizases en pago de facturas.”

    “Hi, good afternoon, yes it’s a bit complicated because our monthly internet bill has increased a lot. I paid $39, and now it’s $60, this creates a destabilization in bill payment.”

  • “Yo donde vivo no tengo internet.Para hacer mis tareas tengo que ir ala casa de mi amiga Quería conectarme Internet.Me salía muy el costo 50$ eso es muy difícil para Yo pienso que todas las personas de bajos ingresos debemos tener Internet a bajo costo Muchas gracias.”

    “I don't have internet where I live, so I have to go to my friend's house to do my homework. I wanted to get internet access at my home, but the cost was too high for me - $50 is a lot of money, and it's really difficult for me to afford it. I believe that low-income individuals, should have access to affordable internet. Thank you.”

  • “Es dificil por que las compañias no mantienen los precios cade mes aumentan Por eso yo ya no pude estudiar ingles por yo estudiaba por línea.”

    “Description goes It has become difficult for me to continue studying English online due to the fluctuating prices charged by the companies.”

  • “Si tenemos servicio de internet pero muy seguido mi hija no puede conectarse para sus tareas en su laptop , no sé si sea que no es rápido o porqué, pero al decirle el problema a la compañía que tenemos dicen que tenemos que pagar más y si es caro ahora será mas costoso si pedimos otro servicio.”

    “We do have internet service, but my daughter often has trouble connecting to her laptop for homework. I'm not sure if the speed is the issue or something else. When I contacted our service provider, they suggested upgrading to a more expensive plan but if my internet plan is expensive now, it’ll be even more expensive with an upgraded service.”

  • “Ahorita mis hijos no tienen internet porque les dieron unos en las sos y no funciona bien porque es muy devil seria bueno que los ayudaran un poco más de lo del internet.”

    “Right now my children don't have internet because they were given some in the school and it doesn't work well because the signal is very weak. It would be good if they could help them a little more wit the internet.”

  • “Hola si porque que si tengo mucho niños corta la señal y no podemos asee las tarea bien.”

    “Hi, yes because I have a lot of children, the signal cuts off and we cannot do our homework properly.”

  • “Ola mi nombre es Margeli Diaz tengo 2 estudiantes uno en miruscul y el otro en jaiscul cada uno tiene computadora pero el intet qe les regalaron en la escuela sirvió sólo unos meses después ya no por ese motivo ya no asen tarea en casa ya no usan sus computadoras ..... esta es mi opinión gracias y qe tenga buen día qisas no escriba bien soy una de las madre que no estudie cuando fui joven pero gracias a Dios mis hijos me an enseñado un poco.”

    Hello, my name is Margeli Diaz, I have 2 students, one in middle school and the other in high school. Each one has a computer, but the Internet they were given at school was only useful for a few month. For that reason, they no longer do homework at home or their computers.....this is my opinion, thank you and have a good day. Perhaps I don't write well. I'm one of the mothers who didn't study when I was young, but thank God my children have taught me a little.”

  • “Si para mi y m familia es difícil porque no tenemos Internet en casa.”

    “Yes, it’s difficult for my family and I because we don’t have internet at home.”

  • “Hola la verdad El internet es muy caro. Y luego muchos edificion donde vivo son viejitos sin fibra para El internet en las casa. Luego la verdad es que AT&T casi tiene a Todo Oakland y no tienen servicios para gente de bajos recursos como la familia.”

    “Hello, the truth is that internet is very expensive. Additionally, many buildings where I live are old without fiber for internet in the house. AT&T has a monopoly in almost all of Oakland and they don't have services for low-income people like my family.”

  • “Tengo la fortuna de no tener dificultades para conectarme, pero se que muchas familias si tienen ese problema. Una solución sería que las compañías de cable proporcionen internet a descuento basado en recursos.”

    “I am fortunate to not have difficulties connecting, but I know that many families do have that problem. One solution would be for cable companies to provide internet discounts based on income.”

  • “La Calidad del internet x mi casa no es buena.”

    “The internet quality by my house is not good.”

  • “Si Es por que tenemos a nuestros hijos como aprendices de ingles como su primer idioma es español en casa y uno tiene gastos vive cheque a cheque y en ocasiones los servicios de Internet son caros y no se puede contratar sabemos que hay unos programas de bajos ingresos pero en ocasiones no calificamos también la falta de tener una computadora para cada hijo es difícil son gastos y no los podemos solventar.”

    “We have our children learning English as their second language since their first language at home is Spanish. We live paycheck to paycheck, and sometimes, we can't afford internet services. Although there are low-income programs available, we don't always qualify for them. Furthermore, we can't afford to buy a computer for each child, which makes it difficult for them to access online resources. These expenses are beyond our means.”

  • “Yo no tengo internet y no tengo idea de cómo ponerlo u obtener el servicio. A veces me llegan flayers de exfínity pero creo que eso es nada más para el televisor!”

    “I don't have internet and I have no idea how to establish service. Sometimes I get Xfinity flyers but I think that's just for the television.”

  • “Porque lo que se gana es poco para pagar Internet en casa. Es mi caso. Y eso sube la. Energía.”

    “Because what you earn is not enough to pay for Internet at home. That’s my case, and that increases the energy cost.”

  • “Hola buenas tardes !! Nosotros tenemos internet de bajos recursos y pues si ha veces está muy bajo y para mi hija y mi nieta es muy difícil ha veces conertarce para haces sus tareas y proyectos q tienen q hacer pero es por que desgraciadamente el internet es una herramienta que todos necesitamos hoy en día y pues para tener un internet más alto pues muy caro y pues con las necesidades q por las q estamos viviendo tenemos q tener probidades más necesarias para sobrevivir gracias.“

    “Hello, good afternoon! We have low-income internet, which can be very slow at times. This makes it difficult for my daughter and granddaughter to complete their school tasks and projects. Unfortunately, we all rely on the internet as an essential tool these days. However, having a higher-speed internet plan is very expensive, and with the current needs we are facing, we have to prioritize our expenses to survive. Thank you.”

  • “Hola buenas tardes, un gran porcentaje de la gente que viene de nuestros países no son de la ciudad y muchos no tienen acceso a Internet y si los papás no lo tuvieron es complicado para los hijos, y con la barrera del idioma an más, aún para mi todavía se me hace difícil y tengo que pedir ayuda a mis hijos.”

    “Good afternoon! A significant number of people who come from our countries didn’t live in the city and didn’t grow up with access to the Internet. If parents didn’t have access, it can be complicated for their children to know how to use it. Adding to this, the language barrier makes it even more challenging. As a result, I still find it difficult to use the Internet and have to ask my children for help.”

  • “Si me interesa yo tengo internet por parte de mis hijos en la escuela pero es muy bajo se corta mucho.”

    “Yes, I would be interested. I have internet through my children’s school but the connection is very slow and it cuts out a lot.”

  • “No. En mi caso tengo la fortuna de contar con internet. Es indispensable esta herramienta tomando en cuenta que hoy en día es parte de nuestra vida.”

    “No. In my case I am fortunate to have internet. This is an essential tool that forms part of our every day lives.”

  • “... si me es muy difícil porque el costo es muy alto…”

    “Yes, it’s difficult because the cost is too high.”

  • “En este momento no, pero si lo fue. Peroxide con el internet accessible de att ya no lo es.”

    “At this moment no, but it was. With ATT’s accessible internet, it’s no longer difficult for us to connect to the internet.”

  • “Hola si contamos con internet porque mi hijo de colegio necesita para su tarea.”

    “Yes, we have internet because my college aged son needs it to do his homework.”

  • “Si Para mi es dificil.”

    “Yes, for me it’s difficult.”

  • “Si es verdad es un poco difícil tener este servicio está muy caro yo cuando necesito hacer o usar este servicio voy a las bibliotecas públicas.”

    “Yes, it’s true, it can be difficult to afford this service as it is quite expensive. Personally, I utilize public libraries when I need to use it.”

  • “Buenas noches uno de los motivos pienso es que las compañías de telefonía móvil o de Internet nos dan un precio cómodo pero al llegar el bill o la factura nos ponen los impuestos sobre el servicio y si los pagos son de Internet $50 al mes y vienen cobrando $70.00con los impuestos ya está caro porque no hay trabajo o nos enfermamos.”

    “Good evening, I think that one of the reasons is that cell phone or Internet companies will quote us a price that we’re comfortable with but when the bill arrives, they’ll include additional charges like taxes and other service costs. So if the price quoted for Internet was $50 a month, we get a bill for $70.00 with taxes and additional fees and that is too expensive because there is no work or we get sick.”

  • “Si es muy difícil conectarme porque en mi casa no hay internet.”

    “Yes, it’s difficult to connect because we don’t have internet at home.”

  • “Pues Porque La mayoría De las Personas Ponen El internet a veses le dicen un precio y después dan otro el promesa, el suben y no es Constante.”

    “Well, because most people who set up internet service are told one price, and then the next month the price increases. It’s not constant.”

  • “Si es dificil a veces no hay señal y no tenemos mucha experiecia en El aprendizaje en la computadora.”

    “Yes, it’s difficult because sometimes we don’t get a connection and we don’t have much experience with computers.”

  • “Hola; pues tengo el Servicio de internet con teléfono y cable , pero es demasiado caro pago 170 al mes , tengo un hijo con autism y somos de bajo ingreso, no sè si sepan de algún programa que pueda ayudar”

    “Hello; well, I have Internet Service with telephone and cable, but it is too expensive, I pay 170 a month. I have a son with autism and we are low income, I don't know if you know of any program that can help.”

  • “Hola buenos días. Me gustaría dar mi opinión acerca de este tema. Yo nací en México tengo más de 20 años aqui, mis padres me trajeron de 11 años. Tengo dos hijos nacidos aquí, una niña de 14 y un niño de 6. Gracias a Dios a nosotros nunca se nos a echo difícil conectarnos al Internet, quizás cuando empezó la pandemia si fue un poco difícil poder tener el los medios económicos para poder pagar una mensualidad pero con el tiempo hubo mucha ayuda de parte de las escuelas, ayudando a los estudiantes a tomar sus clases virtuales y conectandonos al Internet más fácilmente. Los teléfonos ayudan mucho también por que por lo regular todos los planes mensuales del celular incluyen Internet, y por ejemplo la compañía de Metro by T mobile tiene Internet ilimitada entonces es mucha ayuda.

    “Hello good morning. I would like to give my opinion on this topic. I was born in Mexico, I have been here for more than 20 years, my parents brought me when I was 11 years old. I have two children born here, a girl of 14 and a boy of 6. Thank God it has never been difficult for us to connect to the Internet, perhaps when the pandemic started it was a little difficult to have the financial means to pay a monthly fee, but over time there was a lot of help from the schools, helping students take their online classes and connecting us to the Internet more easily. Our telephones also help a lot because usually all monthly cell phone plans include Internet. For example the Metro by T mobile company has unlimited Internet so it is a lot of help.”

  • "También existe un descuento que les ofrecen a las personas que reciben SNAP o estampillas de comida, o alguna ayuda del Gobierno califican para un descuento ya sea para mensualidad del Internet o descuento para la mensualidad del plan para el celular. En mi caso yo antes pagaba $55 mensuales por mi línea telefónica ilimitada al igual que el Internet incluido en el mismo celular y ahora con el descuento pago $22. Y el servicio es buenísimo..."

    “There is also a discount that they offer to people who receive SNAP or food stamps, or some help from the Government. They qualify for a discount for either home Internet or the monthly cell phone bill. In my case, I previously paid $55 per month for my unlimited telephone line which included internet and now with the discount I pay $22. And the service is great...”

  • "Yo pienso que muchas personas que apenas están aprendiendo el inglés no tienen acceso al Internet por falta de información en su idioma. El descuento que yo mencione que yo uso para mi mensualidad, esa información la estube buscando en español para compartirla con una conocida que no habla el inglés y no pude encontrarlo. Entonces es un poco más difícil."

    “I think that many people who are just learning English do not have access to the Internet due to lack of information in their language. The discount that I mentioned that I use for my monthly payment, I was looking for that information in Spanish to share it with an acquaintance who does not speak English and I couldn't find it. So it's a little more difficult.”

Since 2017, El Tímpano has led participatory research on the information needs of Oakland’s and wider Bay Area’s Spanish-speaking residents, launched accessible channels to reach Latino and Mayan immigrants with timely information, and established a reputation as a trusted source for local news. In addition to original participatory reporting, El Tímpano partners with government agencies, non-profit organizations, and others to ensure that vital information reaches Spanish and Mam-speaking residents and that their voices are heard by public servants and community leaders.




“#OaklandUndivided] has helped me completely, significantly because I got to complete my college applications and everything.”

- Mia P.
Senior at Oakland High School,
President of Class of ‘21
President of the Black Student Union

Click HERE for Mia’s full testimonial


“My son got a Chromebook from #OaklandUndivided and it has helped tremendously! Initially, he would use my phone for the Zoom class and a borrowed tablet for the actual school work and it was just so different and a little frustrating a lot of the time. Now that he has received the Chromebook it has been a breath of fresh air because he dove right into it and if anything he’s showing me how it works since he did have experience from using them in school. His interaction in class has been awesome and his weekly grades have been 100%.”

- Guadalupe Canchola, Mother


As a third grade teacher, I am so grateful to see nearly 100% of my students show up to our virtual class every day. This is due in large part to the increased access to technology, particularly the #OaklandUndivided hotspots.”

- Michaela Kline
3rd Grade Teacher and Distance Learning Lead at Think College Now


“When I first got it, I got really excited because that meant I would be able to do my work on a computer, and also because it would help my brother since I didn’t need to use his computer anymore...I think it will help a lot of kids at school because others might not have a computer and go to class - the computer will help them a lot.”

- Rachell S.
5th-grader at Think College Now